Blue Ridge Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) cultivates meaningful mentor relationships between aspiring and experienced 农民 through a series of on farm peer-to-peer workshops and winter round table discussions. We believe that the educational and professional development of tomorrow’s growers and producers informs the health of our diverse local-food system and rural economy. The CRAFT website has internship listings for the High Country and workshops for farmer 培训.
The High Country 花园社区 is a network of community, 服务机构, 教堂, and K-8 school gardens that work together to grow food for low-income families in the High Country and to inspire and educate our youth to grow food for themselves and their families. 许多花园都是公园的一部分 生菜学习程序 . 有几个花园为低收入家庭提供了地块, 鼓励他们种植自己的食物, while others donate the produce they grow to local food banks and the F.A.R.M. (不计代价地喂饱所有人)咖啡馆. All of the gardens are sustained by a strong network of volunteers, 小额赠款, 捐款, 资源共享.
Doubles the value of federal nutrition (SNAP/EBT or food stamps) benefits spent at participating markets, helping people bring home more healthy fruits and vegetables while supporting local 农民. The win-wins are three-fold: Low-Income Consumers have access to more healthy, 本地生产的食物; Local Farmers gain new customers thus making more money; and the Local Economy benefits because more food dollars stay in the local community. 在你的帮助下, BRWIA is working to expand this program so that more families can gain access to locally grown produce.
高地国家食品峰会是学者们的聚会, 农民, 美食爱好者, 探索一个对我们地区很重要的主题. 过去的主题包括“Dyn”氨的传统, 足智多谋的社区, ” an exploration of how communities are building economic and ecological wealth from food waste; and "Seeding Community Resilience" featuring seed-saving and agrobiodiversity conservation, 代际知识交流,
社区园艺,改善食物供应. 粮食首脑会议 activities encourage attendees to explore what makes High Country communities both unique and uniquely regenerative: self-healing, 自我维持的, 创新, 、应变能力强. 当地的午餐也供应. |
通过管理冬季市场和国王街工作日市场, we provide additional markets for local foods and artisan goods. This allows consumers more opportunities to support their neighbors and consume more locally source goods and also provides producers with additional outlets to earn a livable wage.
介绍我们地区在农业领域不可思议的女性. These women are diverse: coming from a variety of backgrounds and including 农民, 户人家, 和积极分子. They exemplify the multitude of ways women are working to connect with and change our food system.
BRWIA works with a variety of organizations to provide funding for 创新 and sustainable agriculture projects. 资助项目包括玛丽·博耶可持续食品 & 女性农民农业补助金, 美国小母牛协会资助的直接面向农民补助金, 以及高地地区第一农场到学校补助金. 奖学金 for conferences and travel are also available for female 农民.
A series of 事件 in spring are organized by the '绿色餐盘 Gang', 由非营利组织和个人组成的联盟. This coalition is dedicated to improving the economic and personal health of our community by encouraging the consumption of fresh, 本地生产的食物. BRWIA is one of the core member organizations and hosts the website where the 事件 are posted.
Helping to strengthen our local food system by connecting producers and consumers, 对公众进行可持续粮食和农业教育, and providing 农民 with opportunities to increase their income. BRWIA recognizes that the health of our food system depends upon community support and consumer education. We believe that by providing community members with opportunities to visit local farms, 与农民建立联系, 并了解更多韦德app可持续粮食种植的知识, we can create an educated consumer base that supports and advocates for locally-owned and operated farms and businesses.
The 高地食品中心 is a central storage facility for locally-grown food l得在 布恩市杨树林路252号. 韦德app和 the Watauga County Cooperative Extension worked together to create this space which opens new markets for our community’s 农民 and serve as a collection site for vegetables grown in community gardens to then be distributed to local food banks. The Food Hub features an online local foods market where shoppers can purchase 本地生产的食物 and artisan goods.
We partner with local experts to present seasonal educational workshops that promote sustainable living and self-sufficiency. These workshops are meant to serve as educational tools to raise awareness for our local food system. We know that healthy food systems depend upon community support so we provide opportunities for people outside of the farming community to learn about local agriculture. 社区工作坊, 事件, and meetings are designed to reawaken the High Country's appreciation for the local food system.
韦德app官网教师, 儿童护理专业人员, 以及学校领导为学习创造可食用的景观, 通过在他们最需要的地方提供帮助:员工, 培训, 和资源. We strive to create impactful educational opportunities that engage children with their natural world, 让他们做出健康的选择, 并鼓励他们帮助建立可持续发展的社区.
安置在重新利用的卡片目录中, 阿什和瓦托加县种子图书馆免费提供, open-pollinated seeds to community members who can take seed packets, 种植并享用自家菜园里的新鲜蔬菜. 我们也欢迎顾客保存这些植物的种子, 将种子归还给种子库.
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